Type: Archaeological Site - Rock Art
Province: Balochistan
District: Zhob
Period: Pre Historic
Relative Chronology: 2 million years BP. - 18,000 BCE
Description: An archaeological rock art site, comprised of 8 rock shelters and 1 cave, the prehistoric wall paintings of the Ibrahim Khail cave shelter having fingerprint drawing belongs to the Paleolithic period resembling to cave paintings of Grotte du Pech Merle in France. Human figures are recorded in one site, one without arm on the animal back. They have round heads traced with fingertip prints; very rare are those showing symmetrical open feet, it is generally clear that most figures represent males. The wild Markhors have all been conventionally designated as ibex. However, at a site we reported the only example of animals with different horns represented together: in one case the horns are curved backward (possibly suggesting the ibex), while in another case, the animal has vertical horns and well-distanced ears perhaps marcher, but destructed by the locals.
Latitude: 31.229124809
Longitude: 69.570888467
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: Recent discoveries of rock art sites in Garda Babar, Zhob Balochistan
Published In: Unpublished Master`s thesis, TIAC, QAU, Islamabad
Year of Publication: 2019
Bibliography/Reference: Ahmad, Tanveer