Type: Monument - Temple
Province: Punjab
District: Khushab
Period: Historic
Relative Chronology: 7th - early 11th Century CE
Description: A temple constructed over a mound of around 4 m thick cultural deposit. The podiums are visible to the west and south. The stone used for construction is typically kanjur and uniformly used. Above plinth on the southern and western intact facades, there were five panels in projecting plan towards the center. Each panel was separated by the projecting corner pilasters topped by pseudo-Corinthian capital.
Latitude: 32.505115104
Longitude: 72.444881453
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: Kattha Temple from District Khoshab, Punjab: with reference to Gandhara-Nagra Temples in the Salt Range, Pakistan
Published In: Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 41, No. 2, December 2018
Year of Publication: 2018
Bibliography/Reference: Hakal, M. D. & Kiran Shahid Siddiqui