Type: Monument - Tomb
Province: Punjab
District: Attock
Period: Historic
Relative Chronology: 1526 - 1857 CE
Description: This is a huge fortified complex running on slopes in the narrow valley from Mazar of Sakhi Sultan towards south-east. The complex is in haphazardly built and the walls perhaps followed the contour of the hill. There are two different complexes in the vast fortified complex. The complex of Syed Shaikh Ahmed in the western side and the mosque complex in the southern side with cultivated fields on the north, north-east and east inside the complex. The complex of Shaikh Ahmed measures 19 meters EW and 15.5 m NS. The walls stand up to 2.60 m in height and 0.45 in thickness. The complex of the Shaikh has a door in the north-western corner of the northern wall with six minarets on top, the two on the corners being relatively big. The Mazar of the saint is inside the complex with six other graves. Here are some ritual stones, reportedly planted by married women wishing to have male issues and virgin girls wishing to have spouses. Natural rock has made part of the walls at many places, especially in the foundations. No history or date of construction of the complex is available, but it can reasonably be assumed that population increased in this area after the Mughal built the Caravan Sarai and the Fort.
Latitude: 33.897397611
Longitude: 72.248670306
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: Survey and Documentation of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in District Attock
Published In: Unpublished Survey by Department of Archaeology and Museums
Year of Publication: 2002
Bibliography/Reference: Khan, Muhammad Ashraf et.al