Type: Archaeological Site - Settlement
Province: Sindh
District: Khairpur
Period: Proto Historic
Relative Chronology: 3500 BCE - 1800 BCE
Description: The site is located on the southern slopes of a sand dune near another lake. The material was sparsely scattered on the surface. The soil at this place was relatively compact. A route connecting nearby villages on the Indus plain with the Nara valley in east crosses through the site. The cultural finds from this site include cores, flakes, terracotta cakes and pottery. The pottery is classified into two groups; one group morphologically shows parallels with the Kot Dijian pottery and another group consisting of stamped pottery shows an affiliation with the Painted Grey Ware. The latter feature continues into the Historic period as attested at from Tulamba (Mughal 1967).
Latitude: 27.110833333
Longitude: 68.689444444
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: Surface and subsurface analysis of archaeological sites around the lakes of the Dubi Mirwah Desert in Sindh, Pakistan
Published In: Occasional Paper 4 Linguistics, Archaeology and the Human Past
Year of Publication: 2008
Bibliography/Reference: Mallah, Q.H.