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Nur Shah Tomb

Type: Monument - Tomb
Province: Punjab
District: Muzaffargarh
Period: Historic
Relative Chronology: 1526 - 1857 CE
Description: A tomb, built of bricks with mud mortar on a square plan and changed to octagon above. It has three entrances to the eastern, northern and southern sides. The main opening has thick wooden door frame which is decorated with curved floral work. The interior is decorated with floral designs. The western side has a mihrab.
Latitude: 29.677777778
Longitude: 70.983333333
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: The Monuments and Ancient Sites in the Surveyed Districts of Punjab
Published In: Pakistan Archaeology, Number 29, 1994-1996, DOAM, Karachi
Year of Publication: 1996
Bibliography/Reference: Rasool, Niaz