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Kashi Ram Marhi

Type: Monument - Samadh
Province: Punjab
District: Okara
Period: Historic
Relative Chronology: 1799-1849 CE
Description: This Marrhi is constructed with small bricks, laid in mud mortar and plastered with kanker lime. The lower portion of the monument has been plastered with cement recently. It is square in plan and has a low semi-pyramidal dome. The doorway is on the southern side and the facade above the door is adorned with two foiled multicusped arched panels within a high rectangular frame flanked by small niches. The facade is decorated with fresco paintings, depicting sun flowers and other floral motifs.
Latitude: 30.438888889
Longitude: 73.675000000
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: The Monuments and Ancient Sites in the Surveyed Districts of Punjab
Published In: Pakistan Archaeology, Number 29, 1994-1996, DOAM, Karachi
Year of Publication: 1996
Bibliography/Reference: Rasool, Niaz