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Tomb of Mirza Tughral Beg at Makli Hills

Type: Monument - Tomb
Province: Sindh
District: Thatta
Period: Historic
Relative Chronology: 17th Century CE
Description: It is located inside the Makli Hills necropolis of Thatta, to the south of Jani Beg Tarkhan and to the north of Baqi Beg Uzbek tomb enclosures. This grave is located on a raised platform with a height of 1.10m. It is square in plan, measuring 8.22x8.28m. This plinth is provided with steps on its three sides. The eastern side flight of steps is slightly larger in size as compare to those on the north and south sides. The actual tomb canopy has been erected over a low podium, which is 20cm raised from the floor of the lower plinth. This upper platform is square in plan and measuring, 4.98x4.98m. This canopy is resting on twelve pillars. Four pillars at the angles have been erected in engaged jambs pattern, whereas, the remaining eight pillars are rectangular in shape. The base of these pillars is identical in plan. These have been constructed in terraced shape. Their height from the floor level is 40cm, whereas, their shaft length is 1.70 m. These shafts are exquisitely adorned with floral and geometrical designs, engraved in relief. This embellishment work has been bordered by a strip of chain motifs, executed in low relief. These shafts are surmounted by brackets. The engaged paired shape pillars at the four corners are crowned by five armed brackets, whereas, the remaining eight pillars are topped by four armed brackets. These bracket capitals have been carved with stalactite work and these have been underneath provided with a low pendent, which is showing a sunflower motif. The brackets are supporting the lintels. The lintel is the most significant component in the Chaukhandi tomb architecture, where two different types of lintels have been used to support the supper structure. The diagonally laid lintels are smaller in size. These diagonally laid lintels have converted the square into octagon. Whereas, the side lintels are similar in width, however, lengthwise larger in size. These lintels have been elegantly engraved, representing different ornamental patterns, such as, those at the corners are possessing David star flanked by lotus flowers, whereas, the remaining lintels are yielding the same wavy lozenge, which may be noticed on the shaft of the pillars. The lintel added to the north side is showing “Kalima Tayyaba” executed in thulth style. The pent provided to this tomb is supported by means of brackets, which are square in plan and slightly projected downwards. The parapet has been placed on 76cm raised platform. It is square in form and measuring 4.80mx4.80. The height of the arch shaped merlons is 30cm. These merlons are running horizontally, which has provided a fence to the base of the drum. The diagonally laid lintels have converted the inner side into octagon. These octagonal laid lintels have converted the upper part in to sixteen arch panels. These have been enclosed by rectangular frames 30cm in length. These arch shaped panels are crowned by the zone of transition, representing intersecting arches The intersecting arches of the zone of transition has been crowned by the circular base of the domical ceiling, constructed through corbelling technique. The apex of this domical ceiling has been executed with a low pendent, depicting a sunflower. The low shaped drum is of round shape with a height of 8 cm from the floor of the roof. It is crowned by a moulded band in rope design, which is running around it. The tomb is crowned by an onion shape dome, which instead is crowned by a finial, whereas, its base is wrought with inverted lotus flower, executed in high relief. A roofless mosque enclosure is located on the west of this Chaukhandi tomb, which is raised on a platform, added by an additional podium, which is separating the mosque from this Chaukhandi tomb. It is measuring 8.30x3.33m with a height of 20cm. The façade of the mehrab is composed of pointed arch, measuring 1.56x1.30m, whereas, its height is 2.86m. Moreover, the total height of the mehrab façade is 3.55 m. This pointed arch is enclosed by a rectangular frame. This mehrab arch is flanked on either side by two recessed arches, measuring 84x40cm, while their height is 1.58m. The mehrab is surmounted by the historic inscription carved in thulth character, recording the date 1095 A.H/CE 1683. The entire façade of the Qibla wall is denoting exquisite stone carving mostly in low relief, while very few in high relief. The theme of embellishment comprises both floral and geometrical patterns. In this process, David star, chevron motif, stylised lozenges, chain design, beaded element are some of the frequently executed specimen in geometrical category.
Latitude: 24.752952778
Longitude: 67.899886111
Ownership: Federal Government
Legal Status: Protected by The Antiquity Act 1975 (As amended in 1992)
Title of Publication: Inventory of Cultural Property in the Province of Sindh, Pakistan, 2015
Published In: Government of Sindh, Vol 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Bibliography/Reference: Jansen, Michael, Yasmeen Lari