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Type: Archaeological Site - Rock Shelter
Province: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
District: Swat
Period: Pre Historic
Relative Chronology: 3rd-2nd millennium BCE
Description: On the right side i.e. east of Kandak valley, several painted shelters have been found along the rocky precipice of a deep ravine. The shelter at Badze-1 is extremely small, low and accessible with difficulty due to its position on the edge of the ravine. The human figures in this shelter are poorly carved and could be identified with difficulty. Similarly, other signs cannot be identified. Bazde-2 is a niche like shelter consisting of a round, vertical erosive cavity, located just east of the Badze-1. It hosts traces of paintings and they are barely visible.
Latitude: 34.568782750
Longitude: 72.360769778
Ownership: Private
Legal Status: Not Protected
Title of Publication: Talking Stones: Painted Rock Shelters of the Swat Valley
Published In: Pakistan-Italian Debt Swap Program, IsMEO, DOAM, KPK
Year of Publication: 2015
Bibliography/Reference: Olivieri, Luca M, et.al