The site is located just north of the present-day village of pandi wehi, near the Nari Nai. It is 119 m long, 107 m wide, 6 m high and covers an area of 12,733 square m. A perennial spring, which has its head just south of Karkot, up the Nari Wai channel from pandi Wahi, flows into the Nari Wai and passes the site. In addition, several small nais (e.g., Sori and Chhedagh) converge just north-east of pandi wahi. The prehistoric site is situated on a gravel terrace above the flooding of the torrents, but is close enough to take advantage of seasonal sheet flooding and alluvial fan sediments deposited by the streams. Part of the site has been used as modern burial ground as well. Some excavations were conducted at the site previously. Trench I revealed that the earliest levels at the were dominated by the Amei bichrome pottery and that in the top-most levels of the site this bichrome pottery was mixed with a block-on-ped pottery which is similar to that of the Harappan period. in addition to the pottery, finds of terracotta, steatite, stone, and lapis lazuli beads, terracotta cakes and chert flakes were also recovered at pandi wahi.