The site is located in Kot Kai village, in the Bolan plain. The world known Archaeological site of Mehrgarh is located in the Kachi plain at the foot of the Bolan Pass. It was discovered by J.M. Casal in 1968. It lies 10 km south of Dadhar in district Kachi. Seven distinct periods have been identified at this site during excavations by the French archaeological mission under Dr. Jarrige. (Makin Khan 2019:30-61). The site represents periods of Mehrgarh-VIII, Sibri Transitional Kot Diji, Kechi Beg, Togau, Burj Basket-Marked, Killi Gul Mohammad. Period: Neolithic Period (8th millennium BCE-3rd Millennium BCE) MBAS; Transitional; Kot Diji; Kechi Beg; Togau; Burj Basket-maked; Kili Gul Mohammad.