This site lies 12 km southwards of Quetta city on National High Way leading from Quetta to Khuzdar near Mian Ghundai Levy Post. The site is oval in shape with 73 m circumference and elevation of 15.2 m from the surroundings. Stein had visited it in 1903 and again in 1927 along with Hargreaves and laid a small test pit. Stuart Piggot and Ross also visited in 1946 and 1947. Fairservis visited in 1950, while Mortimer Wheeler, Jarrige, Raikes, Dales, Mughal, Ashafque and Basenval also paid visits to this important site. During excavations at the site a large number of pottery assemblage and other objects were collected. Keeping in view the structures exposed, architectural elements unearthed, study of the pottery, finds taken in hand and its affiliation with other sites, the chronology of Damb Sadaat ranges from 3000 BCE to 1st millennium BCE. (Makin Khan 2019:147-151). The site is locally known as Mian Ghundai.