Terraced and walled gardens with pavilions and canals running through the center were another innovation introduced for the first time in sub-continent by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan. The garden occupies some 161800 sq.m of land and was laid in 1642CE, at the command of Emperor Shahjahan after the plan of Royal Gardens in Kashmir. The Shalamar garden was laid out as royal recreation place as well as for providing accommodation whenever the emperor was on visit to Lahore. The present main entrance in the upper most terrace was originally the aramgah of Shahjahan. The building on the east in the same terrace, now known as Naqqar Khana, was Jharoka-e-Daulat Khana-e-Khas-o-Am and that on west was the residence of the Empress. In the middle terrace there is a hammam on the east, decorated with Petra dura work. Besides, there are six corner burjis surmounted by domes and four pavilions in the second and one in the third terrace.